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When I get stressed, I avoid things and I’m really good at it. I avoid things until eventually I get so stressed that there is no other option to get done what I needed to. That is exactly what I did with this blog post, I am not a writer, and this is so out of my comfort zone, so procrastinating seemed like the best option. But here I am doing the thing. 

I first heard about the World Race and adventures in missions when on a mission trip to Thailand with Wide Awake Missions in Summer of 2019. It sounded interesting, so I did what every other teenage girl would do, looked them up and started following them on instagram. About six months later, well into my college search, I began to doubt everything that had laid out and everything that I thought was the next step. I never ‘fell in love’ with a college I visited, so I knew I was settling no matter which one I chose, I didn’t have a secure major, or secure roommate, so I fell into what I knew was secure :Jesus. 

 World Race Gap Year always was a super cool thing to me, but only a super cool thing other people did. I didn’t want my post high school plans to be much different than anyone else’s and I had pushed back the idea of doing something like this simply because no one else was (besides my literal next door neighbor, which is crazy and a story within itself). Until, I realized the true joy in doing something no one else was. 

After having an important conversation with my therapist (YAY! GO THERAPY!) about this and all my doubts, she noticed how much I lit up about the idea of doing something like the World Race Gap Year and really pushed me to go for it. I went home to tell my dad because he still had no idea that my plans were to leave home for nine months  (whoops), and obviously he was 100% supportive and prayerful about what I was drawn towards. That night I decided to push everything aside and apply. I felt God in a way that night like never before. I felt peace and security with the fact that God has “got me,” and I didn’t need to worry. 

While waiting to know if it was official or not, I had a lot of encouraging conversations that showed me I wasn’t the only one excited for this. Everyone said that it was a great idea and that there isn’t a “better time” to do this which made me feel confident in the decision that I had followed through with. 

While my fear and anxiousness of the reality of leaving everything for nine months is often very high, I am so ready to step into what the Lord has for me, which I have learned is so greater than the plans I had set for myself. 

Also PS, God knew I couldn’t handle another year of school. The stress and idea of graduating and then hopping right back into school will not be missed. 




4 responses to “Why I’m Going on the World Race”

  1. this is amazing girl! your heart is pure gold! i can’t wait to grow in the lord with you :)) and your neighbor went on the race?? HOW COOL

  2. You go girl! U will never regret following Jesus in an adventure He calls u too! Do it for Him and in Him and prepare to grow and b blessed. Love & prayers

  3. Kayla – so happy that you will be doing the Lord’s work. And we are very excited for you too. We will be praying for you!! Hugs – Sue