
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hi! I am Kayla, from Saint Charles, IL. I am a senior in high school this year and I am beyond stoked about going on the World Race Gap Year, I think about it ALL the time! I am starting this blog to document monumental moments in my fundraising as well as when I am actually on the race. I think it is a perfect way for friends and family (or anyone else)  to stay in the know and writing a blog is so different from anything I’ve done before. 

The Lord called me to the World Race in a time of stress about college and what would happen next in my life and, I am so glad he had greater plans for me than I did for myself. I’ve spent time in Haiti and Thailand on short term missions trips and that is where I discovered my heart for missions and where I realized that this would all be a part of my future somehow. I am so grateful for you taking the time to read about me and support me, not only financially but prayerfully as well. 

A verse that I have continuously been brought back to is Romans 8:28 that says “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” I find so much peace in reading this verse, not only knowing that God has his hand in everything and makes it good, but also that this is his purpose for my life. 

Anyways, below are 8 semi-random Facts that I think are crucial to know when getting to know me 🙂 

  1. I am obsessed with Chick-fil-a and have plans of it being catered at my funeral

  2. For as long as I can remember, I have had an irrational fear of blood

  3. I have notes page on my phone for just about anything and would definitely consider myself organized 

  4. I am the oldest of 6 girls, and wouldn’t have it any other way 

  5. My favorite worship song is and will always be Good Grace by Hillsong United 

  6. I am a lover of light pink and would own everything in that color if I could 

  7. I’m a strong believer that laughing makes you live longer

  8. I recently REtook the enneagram and I am a very proud type 7!