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It’s been a minute but I’m in Costa Rica now (hence the pura vida title) !!! Life has consisted of gallo pinto, humidity, and lots and lots of fun! 


Costa Rica has been a complete culture shift from Guatemala but it has been such a gift to hold the trust of the Lord to bring the gospel to both of these places. The Lord has been teaching me a ton about what fullness in Him looks like and how He keeps getting bigger each day. I look back on who the Lord was in my eyes before the race, in Georgia, and even Guatemala and there have been so many walls broken down of  the small idea I had of Him. Let me tell ya, living a full and abundant life is truly beautiful. 


The past 4 ish days a group of people from my squad went into a rural jungle village to do all types of ministry. Last night, we spent some time worshipping and just lifting praises of how good and faithful our God has been, is, and will be. Most of our worship has been spontaneous and Holy Spirit led so we go into worship with no songs planned out but truly surrendered to what Holy Spirit wants to do in our time and space . We ended up singing the classic “Amazing Grace”,  I spent a lot of my childhood years in the church singing this song and had absolutely no idea the value behind the words that I was singing. But, last night the words wrecked me because I knew what they meant, I knew what it looked like for me to be saved by His grace, and I knew what it felt like to be so lost and now I know how found in Him I am. 


The lyrics that say “was blind, but now I see” hit my heart so well. I once myself was so blinded by the things of this world I couldn’t even see the goodness of the Lord. But because of His kindness, He chased me down and opened my eyes and took away the things that were blinding me so that I could have life and have it abundantly. What a good good Father!! 


Praying that every single heart that comes across this blog is opened to the radical love that’s always within reach. You don’t deserve it and neither do I, but still He’ll give Himself away to us time and time again. 

Thanks for reading this piece of my heart & feel free to reach out if ya wanna chat about the kingdom or something like that! 

Love you 



7 responses to “pura vida or something like that”

  1. Wow Kayla! It really pricked my heart when you described singing Amazing Grace. It’s so true, we don’t deserve His grace, but He gives it so freely to us. I can tell you love Him so much and your heart is so sweet toward Him. You are a beautiful writer!

  2. So wonderful to hear of your growth and love of the Lord! How great He gives His children rich times to really SEE Him and live in new ways! Blessings

  3. What a great perspective! Thanks for sharing. Amazing Grace is truly a remarkable song that reminds us of the Father love for us!